reflecting on some words a teen on the Spectrum mentioned to me some time ago,
I decided in a quiet moment to jot down this poem.
The teenager
was relating to me how she was striving to strengthen her individuality and
wanted ‘others’ to see that she was keen to take hold of being the ‘captain’ of
her ship as it sailed into the future. She felt she needed others (though some
well meaning) to take a step back and let her express her true self.
It also relates
to how some people were presuming to ‘know’ her by what they had read in books
about Autism/Aspergers.
The poem’s not
perfect, but it basically describes this young lady’s feelings about some of her
desires for her future.
My uniqueness is not found in a book by another
The story of “ME” may take a lifetime to uncover
I’ll paint the pictures to illustrate my meaning
The words I’ll write ‘ll be from my souls’ dreaming
Each of my days, a new chapter to pen
Not ‘till I’m finished, will my story end.
© Louise Page 2012