Tuesday, August 4, 2015

New book on the Autism Spectrum

Hello  all.

I have finally published my latest book - "Heart Shields and Arrows"

If you would like to preview the book, please go to Heart Shields and Arrows - Book 1 - by Louise Page on Lulu.com

The front cover of the book has an added description for the title;

"How the heart and soul of persons, and their families, living with Autism and Aspergers can be impacted by positive and negative life experiences, and how one may respond"  

 Part of the book details on Lulu.com;

Book Details

Publisher   - Louise Page
Published  - 1 August 2015
Language  - English
198 Pages
Perfect-bound Paperback
Interior      - Black & white
Weight      - 0.35 kg
Dimensions (centimetres) - 14.81 wide x 20.98 tall

If you purchase this book, you are welcome to leave feedback or comments on my Lulu.com page, on LinkedIn or here on my blog.

I hope that this book with add to the increasing understanding and knowledge of Autism and that the reader with enjoy this first book in the Heart Shields and Arrows collection. 

Best wishes to my readers ;) 

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

A. Syndrome by Stuart Quinn

Here is a lovely video by Stuart, which beautifully describes some of the experiences of a person living with Aspergers.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Books for Autism

Hello all.

I have created a new blog, which is exclusively created to highlight my books, eBooks and articles regarding the autism spectrum.

Anyone who is interested in the autism spectrum, whether you be a parent, educator, other professional, friend, family member or a person on the spectrum, can choose which product suits their interests or needs and can purchase one of my Ebooks, paperbacks or articles, some for not much more than the cost of a cup of coffee. 

"Books for Autism"  

I am currently in the process of adding my eBooks, articles, books and other related pieces of information, so this new site will gradually be built upon with various subjects regarding the autism spectrum. 

Have a wonderful day everyone.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Rosie King on Youtube

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Valentine's Day

Some folks don't have someone to share Valentine's Day with. This poem is for these souls.

Valentines Day

Gifts and red roses may come your way
On this the 14th, love’s Valentines Day.

For some there is no us or gifts to give
When in the moment, alone they must live.

Anticipation of receiving a token of care
Is just a whisper of hope in the air.

But all is not lost in the heart felt stakes
If the love for ones-self quietly awakes.

At peace with alone-ness and without pain
Of old worn paths, life’s not the same.

Share a raised glass in the mirror with self
Delivers past woes to the dim, dusty shelf.

Maybe tomorrow a kindred spirit will see
How rich your kind soul is and can be.

Never to worry when envisioning the day
When others are gifting the red rose splay.

Smile and know that love and peace can begin
With allowing ones-self to love from within.

Here is a rose, a thought gift from me
If on this day you feel a wee bit lonely.

Louise Page 2015

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

"Poems for Autism" new book

Hello again folks. 

It has been some time since my last post and time has certainly flown by. I am hoping to post more on my blog this year.

Above is an image of the front cover of my new book - "Poems for Autism"
This new book is available only on Lulu.com at the moment, but is available worldwide through the Lulu publishing site. Details, as described on Lulu.com, below;

Edition          First Edition
Publisher      Louise Page
Published     2 February 2015
Language     English
Pages           86
Binding         Perfect-bound Paperback
Interior Ink    Black & white
Weight          0.18 kg
Dimensions (centimetres) - 14.81 wide x 20.98 tall
This book is also available as an instantly downloadable Ebook on Lulu.com 
 If you decide to purchase my new book and would like to leave a review or comment on such, please use my page on Lulu.com at the link above ("Poems for Autism") or on my page on LinkedIn - Louise Page
Below is the first written review I have received regarding my poetry book I am humbled by Philips' very kind words.
Philip Wylie FCA MBA BEng
Value-Added Financial & Media Services

“I can thoroughly recommend Louise's poems, ESPECIALLY for parents and other relatives of autistic individuals because they have a healing effect in an extraordinarily inspirational way. Having worked with Louise on the Nine Degrees project I know her to be a wholesome and caring writer, poet and mum,” (LinkedIn)
Another exciting book, I have been honored to co-author, is the "Nine Degrees of Autism". For all the pre-publication information on this important and unique developmental model for the Autism Spectrum, and the list of world renowned co-authors, please go to "The Nine Degrees of Autism" a new developmental model
 This image is courtesy of the publisher - Routledge (UK)

Best wishes to you all,
